There are no such things as coincidences...

Posted by Hustle Simmons / Category:

Call me crazy, but it seems EVERY time Israel is in hot water, there's always a convenient distraction. Just as they're getting raked over the coals to admit their part in murdering a Hamas member in Dubai in January, the Haiti earthquake was the same month, then a guy flies a plane into the IRS building, and now a devastating earthquake in Chile. Just enough death and destruction to keep us occupied, while the attention is focused off of them. After the Goldstone Report was published in September 29th of 2009, detailing the evidence of war crimes against Israel that they perpetrated in Gaza, look at what happened ON THE SAME DAY!!

*Earthquake in Samoa and American Samoa Kills 115 (Sept. 29): An underwater 8.0-magnitude earthquake causes a tsunami in Samoa and American Samoa that kills more than 115 people.

*Earthquake in Indonesia Kills 700 (Sept. 30): A 7.6-magnitude earthquake hits the island of Sumatra, leaving more than 700 people dead and thousands trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings in the city of Padang.

Now, I know it sounds far-fetched on the surface, but when you look at the history of "false flag" operations (Google it if you don't know what they are), it's perfectly possible. Many people throw around the word conspiracy, well, a conspiracy is when two or more people, in secret, agree to perform a unlawful act. Now, when you have some type of evidence that shows a "possibility" of a conspiracy, then it becomes "probable" under further investigation.

Now, while we are running around thinking God is afflicting all these poor countries with earthquakes, instead of afflicting the corrupt ones who TRULY needs a shaking up, I submit for evidence the following article dated August 25, 2009:

And if that's not enough, the same agency in hot water for the Dubai killings, their company motto is:
"By deception, thou shall wage war." Starting to get the picture?


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