Just so ya know....

Posted by Hustle Simmons / Category:


Here on the Report, I talk about topics related to not only music, but politics, health, well being, comedy, you name it. But, sometimes, for some people, information is tough to digest. Many people want to believe their lives is something it's not, and they don't preferably like their bubble busted, well, no one does, but for sake of argument, they are convinced things have never been better in the world and don't see what all the fuss is about. Then to contrast this group, you have others that will believe anything you tell them...blindly. And then, go off half cocked spouting off these "facts" as if they done the empirical research themselves, but under investigation, these so-called "facts" are easily refuted. Now on the other side, you have those who see things that aren't there, these are the classic "conspiracy theorists", not to be confused with the broad label used against people who actually have a legitimate issue, complaint or what have you. These are the REAL conspiracy theorists, the ones who believe Jackie O shot JFK in the back of the head or Paul McCartney died and was replaced...then you have informed, in the know type people who offer compelling arguments and evidence against official narratives. This group is respected and understood by a small minority of people and is usually murdered or killed in some type of "freak" accident.

Not to go on a religious tangent, but Yeshua/Issa's (Jesus) message was against everything the so-called religious "leaders" believed to be true, and they had him killed for it. He spoke out against them, he didn't huddle with the masses in ignorance, he spoke of the alternative, the Way. When he saw the money changers in the temple, he didn't just casually walk by and not do anything..he busted up their operation, and they didn't like that too much. America was founded and created through revolutions and challenging the established "narratives" of their day. Now, it was actually founded on the death and extermination of the Indigenous peoples that already inhabited it, but that's another story. There would be no America if there was a group of people who decided to live how THEY wanted to live and not have someone tell them how to. Again, a small minority of people, just like a small minority followed Yeshua/Issa. Truth tellers are famously shunned, ridiculed, mocked, and degraded in any manner possible to bring them and their message down. While I believe many people possess a modicum of common sense, the sad reality is, many people are sleepwalking sheep. There ARE people that still think for themselves and have not lost or forgot their humanity, but many are replicants of a manufactured image. An image projected by a corporation telling you how to look, act, eat, live and so on.

I am an individual of above average intelligence, not because I'm smart, but because I've realized there are two, sometimes three sides to a story. I am what you call a "scrutinist".... there...I said it. I know the word doesn't exist, but neither does many of the manufactured events that happen in our modern world. Now, there are real RESULTS, but that is because the events have been set in place for the result to manifest itself. Many people simply do not believe that governmental agencies in our country would conspire against their own population, it's completely out of bounds to fathom. "It would be all over the news if that were to happen!" one would say. Totally ignorant of the fact that many corporations OWN the TV networks, so whatever they want to be on the news, will BE the news. Whomever is their friend, will be made into a kings & queens, their enemies, modern day boogie men, terrorists, conspiracy theorists, anti-Semites, kooks, nuts, and the list goes on. There is a psychology behind it all. You have to understand conditioning and human nature to see the pattern. When someone speaks the truth and it can't be refuted, they are usually labeled by one of these monikers. It is to divert the focus TO the person and OFF the subject at hand, and many not aware of this tactic, falls right into it, having to defend themselves, instead of staying on topic. People that do this, know they're doing it...it's the only way to fight truth with an unskilled opponent, psychologically. We, as human, are sophisticatingly simple. We are creatures of habit, of comforts....we only get violent when either of those are interfered with, and who wouldn't? I get mad if I get woke up when I'm not ready to get up, so for something as simple as that, imagine something existential, like life, limb, home, food, and you get the picture.

I say all this to say, the socio-political-religious topics I share my thoughts on, some people could get offended. I offer to you who find my thoughts offensive, challenge my facts. If you can do that before getting into the pre-programmed, name calling, righteous indignation-mode, you might see that you've been deceived too. That's why to me the 1st Matrix was one of the most important movies to me, not for the fantasy, but how it can be extrapolated against the backdrop of what WE call "life" or "living". People "living" in an holographic "artificial" world, unaware that they're even in it or would comprehend it if you broke it down to 'em. And if you did, as Morpheus says, "they wouldn't even want to leave". But, there are those few (again, there's that small minority) that realize things aren't what they seem, and they find a way to extricate themselves from the situation and warn others, after all, remember Paul Revere? The Europeans extricated themselves here, and Paul warned when the "British were coming", just like the city of Zion against the robots. If you were to tell a local "Matrixian" (I know, that's a good one! xD) that robots ran things and they, as a human, were made solely as a power source and when they died, they were fed to the newborns, and nothing around them actually existed, they would have you committed to the nearest mental institution , yet that's EXACTLY what it was...as crazy as it sounded. I'm using a movie to illustrate a literal circumstance we are all in. Things are not what they appear to be in this country right now. We are being deliberately diverted away from all things that make us distinctly human, such as thinking for ourselves, or even being CAPABLE of critical thought. Do people think if they don't think about it or pretend it doesn't exist, it will just go away?
It will actually get worse, because there are some people counting on you thinking that way. People we categorically are supposed to trust (police, doctors, lawyers, judges, politicians, etc.) are some of the most corrupted individuals on this planet. There are many that are aware of their position, and operate within the law, and basic human respect. The others act as if they breathed life into your nostrils and you owe them an obeisance of some sort. We are all humans, and humans were not meant to be masters of other humans, because it will always turn despotic. Look at the Pharaohs and the slaves, Caesar, Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, the list goes on. We are autonomous individuals, but some have given their sovereignty over to a created, fictional entity for them to be governed by.

I don't have any problems exposing those who are plotting our downfall, that's the same as closing my window if I hear someone on the street being assaulted, just because I don't want to be involved. What kind of human being am I if I didn't have any compassion for that person being attacked, it very well may be a mugger actually getting his just desserts, but I owe it to the situation to do SOMETHING. That's why when people witness car accidents, they get out to help the injured party...it's the HUMAN thing to do. I touch the topics I do, because they intrigue me, also, I care about the human condition, I don't know why I do, but I do.
Many things have been put in our paths to deter us from knowing the actual situation we all find ourselves in, and we're IN it because, we stopped talking and educating ourselves. Instead we started listening to Rupert Murdoch (google what he owns..he IS the news...he also owns the copyright to the New International Version of the Bible...now put THAT together) and we started listening to fake experts & talking heads on TV..this is the most advanced generation in modern time, yet we still can't realize we're ALL being played against each other. From religion (if there's only one God, why SO MANY religions? Man.) to race relations (there is actually only ONE race. Human.) Just like a dog has many breeds, they are all STILL canines. There are small slivers of people who want division of people, and they convince other weak minded people to adopt their agenda. This is like the kings of the earth "giving" their power to the beast. You give an idea life by acting out its tenets. There would be no war if you couldn't convince anyone to fight it. Think about that.  Most modern wars have been fought over natural resources and hegemony, not freedom, democracy, and any other "feel good" adjective you can muster. Entire populations have been under attack, children killed, intellectuals killed, the artisans killed, all for the sake of controlling oil, gold, diamonds, poppy seeds, whatever. The story is all the same. The Civil War (how about THAT for an oxymoron) was fought because the South wanted to secede from the North, and this was the North saying "I don't think so"...is THAT freedom? Doesn't sound like it to me.

Anyway, I just wanted to say, I understand WHY people don't want to hear the truth...it is often unpleasant, disheartening, and world-shattering. It doesn't stop it from being the truth, tho. We are being sold out to new millennium sideshow carnival barkers forcing doom, gloom, death, and destruction down our throats. Have you ever stopped to think why all the hit shows like CSI are centered around death? Of course you haven't, it's your FAVORITE show! WHY is it your favorite show??! They make it look cool, with the effects, music, and storyline. Death is now sexy. It's called "de-sensitizing" look at video games now, same thing. As I said, we are complicated beings, yet painfully simple and predictive. We have behaviors that can be modified, shaped, influenced, or controlled. Have you ever seen two sports fans argue to the point of fighting over their respective teams? EVEN THOUGH NEITHER PERSON ACTUALLY PLAYS ON THE TEAM OR CONTROLS THE PLAYERS?! It intrigues me, though I'm not a big fan of any type, personally. That's like getting mad you can't stop the sun from rising, you can't do anything about it, why fret? These are clues into human behavior, and I'm a firm believer that TV is the worst thing you could have in your house besides a microwave over. It is like a silent hypnotherapist sitting in the corner of your house, delivering a "Matrix"-type illusion in your mind, artificially creating a reality that doesn't exist, yet WE make it real. That's why many people can't talk about religion or politics, they have been so thoroughly programmed, any conflicting information or opinions are ridiculed immediately, without actually "knowing" if what they're saying is completely right OR wrong, as most humans just want to hear what makes them comfortable, they'll believe the fork ran away with the spoon. Just like the whole "world is flat" thing, that is, until someone actually proved it wrong. But all those who "believed" it was flat, NEVER ventured to find out if it was or not, they just "believed" someone's word on it.

So, just know what appears on The Report comes from a combination of knowledge, concern, research, and overall, love. There's no way I would even write what I do, if I didn't. All the ones who gave their lives came from this same position, it was a selfless act...what could be more patriotic than that? But, I'm patriotic in the sense of humanity, rather than geographic boundaries. Boundaries changes, different inhabitants come and go...the truth never changes.


Unknown said on March 29, 2010 at 7:05 AM  

Hey Hustle wha da eff bro? You've [been?] dissapeared from Facebook - drop me a mail cheers -Parm

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